Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach.
Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach highly diverse and have ideal flavor that unique. Several types of Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach recipes are also enough easy to process and dont take long. Although not everyone likes Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach food, nowadays some people are get attached and like the sundry Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach foods available. This can be seen of the number of restaurants that prepare Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach as one of the dishes. You can have Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach
- It's Box of fettuccine, cooked.
- It's 1 of tube polenta.
- It's 1 (12 oz) of can diced tomatoes with basil & garlic.
- Prepare 2 cup of fresh baby spinach.
- You need 3 cloves of garlic roughly chopped.
- It's 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
- You need of Shaved Parmesan to garnish.
Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach step by step
- Cook fettuccine noodles according to packaging directions, drizzle with olive oil & toss gently.
- Brown sliced polenta & garlic, add can of tomatoes & baby spinach; cook until spinach is wilted..
- Plate noodles, top with polenta & tomatoes/spinach; garnish with shaved parmesan.
Obtain ingredients for production Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach recipes is also not difficult. You can easily get the main ingredients at the proximate supermarket and even on the market. There are much types of Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach that are convenient and quick to process into delicious serving. You can constantly praxis this Fettuccine with Polenta, Sautéed Tomatoes, Basil & Spinach recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook other foods on our website, we supply various types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try them.
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