Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough.
Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough highly diverse and own ideal taste that unique. Few kinds of Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough recipes are also adequate easy to process and dont take lengthy. Although not everyone likes Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough food, currently several people are getting attached and like the various Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough foods on hand. This can be seen of the number of restaurants that provide Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough as one of the dish. You can have Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough using 10 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough
- Prepare of filo dough (toko).
- You need of fish cocktail: like shrimps, mussels, lobster, white fish etc (frozen or.
- It's of fresh about 400 gr).
- You need of rice mie (package).
- Prepare of green olives (sliced in rings).
- You need of coriander (to you're tast).
- You need of spices: paprika, ginger,chili or black peper, salt, cinnamin, curry.
- You need of olive oil.
- It's of butter (about 200 gr melted).
- Prepare of garlic (cut in pieces).
Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough step by step
- Take a baking tray (i prefer the 24 cm tray) and cover the bottom with butter so the filo dough will not stick. Pour some hot cooked water over the rice mie and let it week for about 5 minutes. meanwhile put some olive oil in a baking pan and bake the garlic but not brown, then add the fish, spices, olive parts and mie. Let it cook on a slow fire for about 7-10 minutes and then let it cool off. When cooled down take a sheet of the filo dough, put it in the tray and.
- When cooled down take a sheet of the filo dough, put it in the tray and cover the sheet with the melted butter. Then take another sheet of filo, put in on the first layer and cover it again with butter. You repeat that 5 of 6 times for a solid bottom. Then add the fish and mie and cover it with another 4-5 layers of filo each covered in butter. Place the upper sheets over the bottom sheets like a package. Cover the top with the rest of the butter. Bake in a pre-heated over for about 25 minutes..
Got ingredients for making Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough recipes is also not tough. You can easily get the main ingredients at the proximate supermarket and indeed on the market. There are ample types of Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough that are easy and fast to process into delicious serving. You can always praxis this Fish Bastilla in Filo Dough recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook other foods on our website, we provide sundry types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try their.
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